For today I have a lot of cat content again, because my friend Alex kindly sent me a big box of things from Target, and quite a few of them are cat toys :).
Saturday, 30 October 2021
Some Target Halloween items, lots of cats
For today I have a lot of cat content again, because my friend Alex kindly sent me a big box of things from Target, and quite a few of them are cat toys :).
My Halloween Lookbook
For day 11 of 13 Days of Halloween I decided to try and do something else and make a Halloween lookbook. It's basically a compilation of all my Halloween outfits of this year that I managed to get documented :).
I hope you like it!
Find me online: instagram - YouTube
Disclaimer: Google is trying to fob off a lot of their GDPR responsability by pretending the responsability to safeguard privacy is with bloggers. I can assure you that I don't collect ANY data on my followers or people that read this blog what so ever, so when it comes to this blog, it's entirely on google. I will continue to post links to secondary sites, I have no stake in this other than to provide my readers with a handy link, so if you worry about your data when you enter those sites, you'll have to take it up with them. I hope that helps!
Looking through The Witchcrafting Handbook
Day 10 of 13 days of Halloween is another flip-through. This time we look at The Witchcrafting Handbook of Helena Garcia :).
Find me online: instagram - YouTube
Disclaimer: Google is trying to fob off a lot of their GDPR responsability by pretending the responsability to safeguard privacy is with bloggers. I can assure you that I don't collect ANY data on my followers or people that read this blog what so ever, so when it comes to this blog, it's entirely on google. I will continue to post links to secondary sites, I have no stake in this other than to provide my readers with a handy link, so if you worry about your data when you enter those sites, you'll have to take it up with them. I hope that helps!
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Unboxing a "Halloween" mystery box for cats

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Events at Les 4 Maisons are the very best!
The Quibbler Cat #3 is out NOW (and it's FREE)!
Because here is the Halloween issue of The Quibbler Cat, our 3rd one so far!

Monday, 25 October 2021
Let's look at vintage Halloween graphics!
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Leafing through my Halloween book collection
My Halloween (and adjacent) books to be precise :).
And as a bonus video, here's the pin tag I made and posted on IGTV.
If you're into pins (feel free to substitute this with other Halloween/Fall items like clothes or socks etc) and feel like doing this, consider yourself tagged!
Find me online: instagram - YouTubeSaturday, 23 October 2021
Collecting the Monster Book of Monsters
Day 5 of 13 Days of Halloween is all about the bity, attack prone Care of Magical Creatures handbook: The Monster Book of Monsters.
I have been collecting the spine strokes demanding beast book, and here are the ones I have got so far :).
Find me online: instagram - YouTube
Disclaimer: Google is trying to fob off a lot of their GDPR responsability by pretending the responsability to safeguard privacy is with bloggers. I can assure you that I don't collect ANY data on my followers or people that read this blog what so ever, so when it comes to this blog, it's entirely on google. I will continue to post links to secondary sites, I have no stake in this other than to provide my readers with a handy link, so if you worry about your data when you enter those sites, you'll have to take it up with them. I hope that helps!
Friday, 22 October 2021
Unboxing Magical Classes and a cute cat
I know, I know, Harry Potter isn't exactly Halloween themed BUT Bert ordered that thing literal MONTHS ago and it kept being delayed and yesterday it FINALLY arrived. And I just wanted to open it, so here's a Wizarding World themed unboxing.
Spoiler alert: not everything arrived in one piece...
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Unboxing and making art with Japanese stationery
For day 3 of 13 days of Halloween, I am unboxing the October Zenpop box: Creepy Critters. As well as make some art, inspired by the contents (and in as much as possible with said contents) of the box!
Also, this is the last video of it's kind BEFORE I had my copy stand, so don't pass up on the opportunity to have a bit of a laugh at my wonky set-ups :).
Find me online: instagram - YouTube
Disclaimer: Google is trying to fob off a lot of their GDPR responsability by pretending the responsability to safeguard privacy is with bloggers. I can assure you that I don't collect ANY data on my followers or people that read this blog what so ever, so when it comes to this blog, it's entirely on google. I will continue to post links to secondary sites, I have no stake in this other than to provide my readers with a handy link, so if you worry about your data when you enter those sites, you'll have to take it up with them. I hope that helps!
Trying out Japanese Halloween candy
For day 2 of 13 days of Halloween my friend Claire came over to film another candy tasting video with me. We had done this before a while ago, where we tried Wizarding World candy. Back then we had decided we wanted to try out Halloween candy so... we did :D
And here are some photos, to make this not just a YouTube video :)
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Halloween season what to watch recommendations
This year I am attempting 13 days of Halloween, and we're starting off with my recommendations for things to watch. I've got some things by Disney, some outright horror movies, but it's all good fun. At least I think so! Click to see what I would recommend this spooky (spoopy?) season! :)
Find me online: instagram - YouTube
Disclaimer: Google is trying to fob off a lot of their GDPR responsability by pretending the responsability to safeguard privacy is with bloggers. I can assure you that I don't collect ANY data on my followers or people that read this blog what so ever, so when it comes to this blog, it's entirely on google. I will continue to post links to secondary sites, I have no stake in this other than to provide my readers with a handy link, so if you worry about your data when you enter those sites, you'll have to take it up with them. I hope that helps!