Tuesday, 26 October 2021

The Quibbler Cat #3 is out NOW (and it's FREE)!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN ladies, gentlemen, everyone in between and magical folk!
Because here is the Halloween issue of The Quibbler Cat, our 3rd one so far! 

We have interviews with fellow Potterhead creators, Harry Potter movie actors (yes, plural!) as well as TONS of other original Wizarding World inspired bits and bobs!
But don't take my word for it, just grab your FREE (have I mentioned it is literally FREE and on top of that you can win things?!) copy right here!
Enjoy, and have a marvelous rest of the spooky season!

A huge, huge, HUGE thank you to my fellow editor Alex, our entire crew and everyone who submitted and helped make this edition happen! You're all awesome!

(No copyright infringement on the books written by she-who-must-not-be-named intended, we just want to provide a fun read to fellow fans!)

The Quibbler Cat #3 is out NOW (and it's FREE)!

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