Of snowy days and other photographs...
Of late night lap cats and mouse parties
I actually managed to shoot a roll of Paramat in less than a year. I did it in a span of 4 months, mostly in Antwerp, Belgium during the Christmas season.
I did, however, didn’t get ‘round to posting the photos ‘till now.
But according to my friend Myriam, it’s still ok to post holiday stuff throughout January, so here you go :).
Of robot feet and other photos
Read it like a crocodile with specs!
Bert had suggested he take me to Disneyland Paris for a day over his Christmas break. Out of the blue, without me having to prompt him.
I wasn’t about to say no to a Disney trip, so on Thursday the 27th, we got up at stupid o’ clock (I have not been missing that!) to be in the car by 4am to get on our way!
Excuse the bad lighting. I have to shoot these things inside and I don’t really have the space with proper light to do so.
Nevertheless, I wanted to do this, because I feel that this is important.
All too often we don’t actually stop and consider just how much impact our personal care has on the environment, and what kind of packaging horror stacks up year by year.
Happy new year everyone!
I hope that 2019 will be everything you had hoped for it to be!
I don't actually have a good new year's/2019 photo, so I'm sharing this cool vintage postcard I found online instead :)
I love vintage things so yeah :)