All the things I've loved this Halloween month (not just Halloween things, rest assured)!
Halloween and other adventures!
There was an exhibit about André Breton going on at the LaM in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France.
I'm not much of a fan, but I had heard good things about the LaM and as both Bert and I both love a good museum visit, we decided to go visit on September the 13th.
I know, this is a total catch-up backlog post. But hey, at least I'm tackling my backlog :).
Click the cut link for adventures in France.
A couple of months ago, Glamglow released their blue Gravitymud, Sonic the Hedgehog themed in Europe. So of course I ordered it from the ICI PARIS XL website. Stored it in a cool and dry environment the way you should, because I knew I wasn’t using it ‘till Charlotte would come to visit, because she also wanted to try it.
Click to find out about the horror that happened to my skin...
Adventures from our second day in Tokyo, Japan!
Adventuring all over the place!
I'm not joking, I went to the zoo, to France, and there's full on Halloween madness!
First let me start off by saying that this is not our regular postie's doing, because he's actually nice and rings the doorbell when something doesn't fit the mailbox.
So I really hope no one is going to give him grief, because that would be massively undeserved.
I don't know what whomever delivering the mail was thinking today, but clearly he wasn't having very competent thoughts, because that is NOT an acceptable way to put a BOOK in a mailbox.
Or deliver any mail for that matter!
I've had it up to the next universe with this sort of postal delivery antics.
Today the mail delivered though it was ok to do this.
The next time this happens, I will think it is ok to take photos as proof and call the police.
Because this kind of thing is beyond not ok.
Nearly a full month ago (that's what you get when a con happens right after BCM deadline) on September 23rd, Bert and I went to Comic Con Antwerp.
If you feel like this is a behind post, you just wait for the much more behind one about Villeneuve d'Ascq :P.
Anyway, we went to Comic Con Antwerp!
Because in the past I have reviewed products and after a period of time changed my mind about them (NYX brights palette for instance), I have decided to do first impression posts rather than actual reviews now, because I find that they are a far more accurate representation of things.
If you stumble on a post like this after date so to speak and you wonder how I still like a product, don't be shy, leave a comment and I'll be happy to give you my thoughts :).
You can also just leave a comment on another social media account of mine, I have them all linked at the bottom of this post :).
Anyway, to the point.
Traveling to Tokyo and our first day there!
Two weeks worth of photographic adventures and day 1-8/31days of Halloween!
Download your free copy here!
It’s the last BCM of 2017 and you know what that means: right, holiday edition!
First of all a shout-out to our talented beauty editor Claire, who has managed to get you all covered for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas on ONE single page! Make sure to tag us #BCMbeauty if you recreate one of the looks on social media!
Our usual Japan travel photography contributor Helcanen is taking a break from this edition to sort through the many amazing photos she’s taken during her recent summer trip, and she’ll be back for next edition!
This edition yours truly’s Tokyo photos are providing you with imagery of the landof the rising sun.
Of course, BCM wouldn’t be BCM without music, and aside from reviews of recent releases, we spoke to haru when he toured Europe.
Aside from that we have our annual holiday fashion feature as well as a focus feature on alternative Tokyo based BJD brand Freaks Circus.
We’ll be back next year with more events, reviews, music, fashion, travel and art, until then, enjoy this edition and happy holidays!
Find me online:
twitter - instagram - website - old blog (it's to say, I double post, but my years and years of posting is on there as I've had it since 2003)
Flashback faves was started by Emily Fox over on her YouTube channel. As I'm not a youtuber, I run these on my blog instead :).
Click to see what's still left over from October last year, and how I feel about these products now.