Tuesday 9 October 2018

Catch-up post: Elftopia

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_Nearly_ done catching up on posts from the summer! 
But not quite, so let's talk about Elftopia!

On Sunday the 12th of August, it was time for Elftopia. 
The annual fantasy faire held near Deinze on the grounds of Ooidonk Castle. It was the 5th day in a row I was out and about doing things, after our trip to Zeeland and Antwerp Pride. And whilst the weather was pretty rubbish whilst we were in Middelburg, it had started to really come around the day of Pride and for Elftopia, it was sunny and warm. A little too warm even.


I’m not ashamed to admit that Bert had to stop at the roadside Starbucks in Kruibeke along the way because I wanted something cold and sugary. I don’t remember what I had, but I think it was Cool Lime. I do remember that the barista was super friendly. He also wore Theo glasses so he immediately spotted me as a fellow Theo affectionado. Starbucks acquired, we went back on our way, and due to the total chaos of construction and the castle being a little out of the way, it took us a while to find the parking area: a very lumpy bumpy field. Which happens a lot with fantasy faires.

steampunk at Elftopia

steampunk at Elftopia 

Elftopia itself was really nice. I actually wrote a review on Never Was Magazine, because there was a steampunk camp, where I hung out for a while whilst Bert sat and had a bite to eat. We had brought some of our own food, but we also got some there. They had set up quite a few picnic tables, in different locations of the venue, but none had parasols to protect people from the bleak, bleak sun so comfy grass in the shadow was definitely preferably. But basically the lack of shadow at the picnic tables and the mank, mank toilets (they were porta-potties) with no toilet paper or water to wash your hands (luckily I carry toilet paper and wet wipes!) were the only real downsides to the event.
Visitor tip: ALWAYS carry wet wipes and toilet paper when attending an outdoors event. This isn't just an Elftopia problem!



It was so much fun, there was tons of entertainment, some for the little ones, some for everyone regardless of age. Which is excellent. There was music, costume competitions, storytelling, mermaids swimming in the moat (the water was properly checked before so the organisation was very diligent about performer safety). We got there around noon and it was pretty much closing time 8PM when we were going home, ‘nuff said really. 

So here’s some more photos! 

Outfit: 12.8.2018 (Elftopia) 

My outfit for the day. I know sneakers don't match, but my joints were acting up and I wanted comfort and not be in agony on the day and the days after.

Make-up: 12.8.2018 (Elftopia) 

Make-up of the day :) 


Mauraine, who came in 2nd in the costume competition :).


Milky, doing a Tink face. She was wearing a burlesque Tinker Bell cosplay :).


't is but a scratch! 

All my Elftopia photos are here :) 


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